AOT Amino

AOT Amino

Did You Know Titans Have a Sweet Tooth?

When you think of Titans, you probably imagine them chomping on humans like they're snacks at a buffet. But did you know that Titans actually have a sweet tooth? Yes, those towering, terrifying creatures have a weakness for sugary treats. Rumor has it that if you offer a Titan a chocolate bar, it might just spare you and go on a sugar-induced rampage instead. So, next time you find yourself face-to-face with a Titan, remember to bring a bag of candy along!

The Walls Are Made of Colossal Cheese

Ever wondered what those massive walls protecting humanity from the Titans are made of? Well, brace yourself for this cheesy revelation: they're made of colossal cheese! That's right, those walls are not only a barrier against Titans but also a giant cheese platter. So, the next time you're taking shelter behind Wall Maria, don't forget to bring some crackers and enjoy a cheesy snack while keeping the Titans at bay.

Levi's Cleaning Obsession

We all know Levi is a clean freak, but did you know just how far his obsession goes? When he's not busy fighting Titans, Levi spends his free time scrubbing the walls of the Survey Corps headquarters with a toothbrush. Yes, you read that right—a toothbrush! Talk about attention to detail. No wonder the walls are spotless!

Titan Hair Care Routine

Titans may not be known for their luscious locks, but they do have a secret hair care routine. Turns out, Titans use colossal amounts of shampoo and conditioner to keep their hair looking fabulous. Who knew Titans were so concerned about their appearance? Maybe they're just trying to impress the humans they're about to devour.

Armin's Secret Talent

Armin may be known for his strategic mind, but he has a hidden talent that will leave you speechless. When he's not busy saving humanity, Armin is a world-class beatboxer. That's right, he can drop sick beats like nobody's business. Who knew the savior of humanity had such mad skills?

Titans Love Karaoke

Believe it or not, Titans have a soft spot for karaoke. After a long day of terrorizing humanity, they like to unwind by singing their hearts out at Titan karaoke bars. Their favorite song? "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. It seems even Titans need a little pick-me-up after a hard day of devouring humans.

Erwin's Eyebrows Have a Life of Their Own

Erwin Smith's eyebrows are not just a fashion statement—they have a life of their own. In fact, they have their own Twitter account with thousands of followers. They're so popular that they've even been offered their own spin-off series. Move over, Attack on Titan, it's time for "The Adventures of Erwin's Eyebrows"!

Titan Fashion Trends

Titans may not be known for their fashion sense, but they do have their own unique style. Lately, the hottest trend among Titans is wearing oversized sunglasses. It seems even Titans want to protect their eyes from harmful UV rays. Who knew Titans were so fashion-forward?

Hidden Titan Dance Parties

When the sun goes down and the humans are fast asleep, Titans gather for their secret dance parties. Yes, you heard that right—Titans love to dance! They have their own moves, like the "Stomping Mambo" and the "Arm Swing Shuffle." It's a sight to behold, but make sure to keep your distance unless you want to become their dance partner!

Attack on Titan: The Musical

Get ready to sing your heart out because Attack on Titan is coming to Broadway! That's right, the epic battle between humans and Titans is getting a musical adaptation. Imagine Eren belting out a power ballad while fighting off Titans—it's going to be a showstopper. So, warm up those vocal cords and get ready for a musical experience like no other!

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